Whether there is a dispute you want a professional engineer’s assistance to resolve it or you want to plan in way to prevent such a dispute , we are here to help. We can attend your site, review your documentation, provide professional assessment, report and advice in any format required. Being registered and licenced across all states and territories, if required, we can certify our reports and professional advice for any legal proceeding.
Throughout the years we have come across property owners who believed their property has been damaged by next door construction or construction contractors who thought have been wrongly blamed for a damage. On each case, we have worked tirelessly and ethically to understand the problem, define it for all stakeholders, find a solution and help implement it. We have well-devised strategies, thoroughly defined procedures, and fast-paced action plans to help you with your unique set of enquiries. Just sent us an email or give one of us a call, we are here to help.