NatHERS in Victoria

Since 2013 new Victoria apartments must achieve an average 6-star rating collectively for all sole-occupancy units (SOU) and not less than a 5-star rating for each individual SOU. New standalone homes must achieve at least a 6-star rating.

NatHERS Assessment

We take pride on helping our clients to unlock their full potential on saving energy by implementing the most cost-effective measures. NatHERS rates the energy efficiency of a home based on its design. We work with you every step of the way to ensure you are achieving your desired goals while taking care of the planet!

Obtaining a NatHERS rating at the required star level is specified in the National Construction Code (NCC) as one of the ways of demonstrating compliance with the energy efficiency (thermal performance) requirements for new houses and apartments in Australia.

NatHERS certified homes save energy, save money, and help protect the environment by generating fewer greenhouse gas emissions than typical homes.


BASIX is a NSW government initiative designed to improve the environmental sustainability of residential developments. It sets out the minimum standards for compliance in the following three areas: water, thermal and energy. NatHERS can be used for the thermal section of the BASIX as well as its own thermal tool; however, NatHERS provides more detail and flexible assessment.

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